But I believe in an almighty God who is sovereign over all things, even judges and social workers and He has allowed this. Now it's my turn to trust and obey. Sometimes I do better at that than others. Yesterday I yelled at someone else's little girl in the McDonald's playground (she was up in the play structure) because she looked and was dressed like Libby, who I had called down, but didn't see because she was standing behind me while I berated a stranger's child. Way to go Super Christian!
I also want to berate every person who tells me they've thought about doing foster care but couldn't do it because they would get too attached to the kids. Why are we so comfortable with safe, easy, non-messy ministry but turn our backs on the blaring, gut-wrenching work that stares at the church undone? I absolutely know not everyone is called to this and therefore they shouldn't do this and alot of people say that just to fill the awkward lulls that happens sometimes but, I beg you, don't say it to me this week.
But life goes on. We are going back on the list and we'll sign up to do this again and again and again until God calls us to quit. I rejoice that I can be His hands and feet in loving these little ones, even if my heart gets broken in the process. Meanwhile, it's baseball season. And I want to laugh so Go my favorite sports team, go! Score a goal unit! Go get a snowcone...