Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Watch This!

The boys have officially reached the age where intense competition surrounds all of our daily activities. If Jake jumps off of the couch, Danny says "Watch This!" and tries to do it bigger. If Dan is praised for going to the bathroom, Jake probably needs to go too and can do it better.

Last week we were outside playing without any real agenda for the day. I was zoning a little and realizing there was no reflection coming off of our cars because they were caked with dirt. Why not combine the kids favorite outdoor game (which is anything involving the water hose) with real chores! So here they are washing the van. Emmy pulled up just in time to put them to work on her car too. We call what Jake and Daddy are demonstrating the Fireman Technique, it is quite effective.
Dan decided to spruce up every item in the garage that would fit in the water bucket.Another major event of late was the first annual preschooler bike gang ride. We got together with all of our friends and brought bicycles, tricycles and push carts to our favorite park. It was over 100 degrees but the boys rode for two hours non-stop with a few forced breaks for hydration. Next time I think we'll set up water stations around the track and hold out sippy cups as the athletes fly by.
Erik ordered a tent as we killed the last one by playing in it in the backyard for a few weeks. He has been eagerly awaiting its arrival and came home this week to find two large boxes by the front door. He was super excited until he found out they were for Libby. Mimi struck gold with the grandkids with a kitchen set. Here is Libby supervising the construction. Thank you Mimi!


shelli said...

Wow, Libby no longer looks like a baby, but a true toddler! In that picture of her sitting on the construction of her new playset, I can really see your Mom in her face. Not yours or Erik's, but your Mom's. :-)

How many teeth does Libby have now?

LOVE all the pictures. Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Love the bike gang idea with the hydration stations. Pam just told me about a kids triathlon the Y puts on--so cool. Obviously not competitive, but oh so fun sounding.

I'm so sad you live so far away. Titus would totally jump right in to your family. Seriously. Jake and Danny would have a new shadow.

So, with a tent coming, will there be more camping adventures?

Stacey said...

I can't wait to get to California!
109 days left!

Missy said...

Shelli, Libby now has 7 teeth and two on the way so she's a bit of a diva right now. I think your two children look more like Ronnie than you, just kidding.

Allison I love the pictures of your boys and am sad we didn't have longer to spend with you guys, I hope we get to meet up with your family again someday, maybe you should try and get stationed at Edwards, it is lovely out here...

Stacey, sorry I didn't answer last night but 1) you always call during college group, 2) A wave attacked my phone at the beach yesterday and the screen works but none of the buttons work. I can see that someone is calling but I can't answer the call. Can December come faster?