Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Am Not Martha Stewart

It seems like just about every week I have a major cooking disaster. It seems I needed more time with grandmothers and other folks who know what it means to "just add some till it looks about right." When I was adding water according to the recipe it looked about right but after the baking cycle ended we had travelled from "it looks about right" to "it looks like it came from Mars." However, I HAVE had some spectacular successes with the bread machine overall. After a failure of this magnitude I prefer to blame it on whatever contraptions were involved and move on to other contraptions for a while. Yesterday I took a huge gamble and switched from bread to pie (not a wise move in general for me because the score is Me: 0 Pie:132 to this point). But yesterday, God granted me victory!
In other fascinating food news today was our first pick up from Abundant Harvest! We opened the box and had a great homeschool time that started with the line "Kids these are called fresh vegetables. Repeat after me: FRESH VEGETABLES."
Libby heard the word "cauliflower" and decided that even if it doesn't look like a flower, it's name has flower in it and therefore it must be lovely. Erik took this picture and I think he's brushing up on his bridal photography...we could cut down the amount we are saving for her wedding if she stays enamoured with the cauliflower bouquet!
Here is Mr. Dan and the Leek of Power! The one curious component of the box this week was a large bunch of dill. Anyone know what to do with dill besides make pickles?


Stacey said...

all recipes top 20 dill recipes...


there's a recipe for new potatoes that looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

What a fun blog post! The picture of Libby with the cauliflower is so cute! At that angle, she looks soooo much like Emily. It popped right out at me. :)

Penny said...

Missy DeVore once told me that dill is the secret to chicken soup tasting just right. There you have it, from one Missy to the other via a Penny :)