Monday, March 15, 2010

Manly Dan-ly

Daniel is officially 4 and therefore is practically an adult. He received $14 in birthday cash and notified me that he would be buying a house. When confronted with the apparent lack of funds he decided to take the family to breakfast at Denny's. Here he is counting out his money... And here he is busing our table when he was short a few dollars. We picked him up a couple hours later when he finished working off the tab. Just kidding, he can pay us back with 20% interest.
We then had a Stars Wars day with our best buds. Emmy obviously doesn't understand what "candid" means. And Jedi's apparently are not aware of chivalry as the girls are forced to sit on coffee tables and the floor.

Caleb plays a mean "Happy Birthday" on his axe. :-)


CD said...

A non-chivalrous jedi?? Who knew? He sure is a super cute non-chivalrous jedi though.

Denise said...

Danny is adorable. That is so sweet that he wanted to use his money to take you out to breakfast.