My understanding of a "third culture kid" is a child who grows up in one culture (for instance Southern California) but whose parents are from another culture (say...Texas) and thus the child doesn't quite fit in either. After a month in our motherland, the children are in culture shock.
Libby's favorite song "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" now sounds a little more "twankely." Most of Daniel's words have a mysterious extra syllable (Mom, can yuh heyelp me fuhnd mah pahyunts?) It is music to my ears! The part that is bothering me is the boys' complete inability to focus on peeing in the toilet now that they are so used to just finding a tree. I have no problem with the plant watering but if you are indoors aim for the water boys, seriously!
To sum up, we skipped naps, stayed up late, got extremely dirty and then bathed in the swimming pool almost every day. We many cousins can we fit in the pool?
And which pole is the luckiest? Princesses or...
Ya'll come back now, ya hear?
So no major "incidences" huh? Unless you consider the toilet issue major. I certainly would.
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