Wednesday, January 19, 2011

6:30 am

This is what 6:30 am looks like at my house. Every day. In case you are wondering, he's a knight/Viking. How To Train Your Dragon has been a HUGE hit around here and we're really not sure how to contain this much raw Vikingness.
Erik told him dragons were real and they were called dinosaurs and Jacob has not been able to filter in the extinct thing and filter out the lack of fire-breathing/boiling-water-spewing/bone-napping. This is real. This is serious. Very dangerous, kill on sight. Unless it's a Night Fury, then do not engage.


CD said...

Him and Jaydie could be bff. Jaydie's got the whole night fury worship thing going on too.

The Jackson's said...

You are a good Mom!! If Emmie is dressed up @ 6:30am it's because I put her to sleep in her tutu...yeah, no knights in this house...yet!!