Monday, May 9, 2011

My Mothers' Day Present Sucks

Let me open by saying I'm an intensely practical and "thrifty" person. Thrifty is in quotes because some others would be tempted to put stronger words there. I think they are jealous because I can make a pair of shoes last 6 years when they were designed to last one. The utilitarian, first-born side of me struggles with superfluous things like nick-nacks, jewelry and shoes aren't black/white/brown. I may not be there but I hear the feminine gasps as they desperately search for a dislike button or any way to voice their desire to burn the gender-traitor at the stake. And since I've already painted myself into the corner I might as well boldly proclaim a few more of my errant, heathen thoughts. I don't understand why places like See's Candy even exist. Why spend $40 on a box of mystery chocolate when Snicker's Bars cost $0.50 and are perfectly delightful?

So I married a man who agrees with me. I broke him of his societally-taught need to spend $5.00 on a piece of folded cardstock with a cheesy poem in it on special occasions. It has been years since any designer chocolate entered our dwelling and don't get me started on "made-for Mother's-Day" diamond heart pendants. Last year around this time he gave me a gym membership because he knew that's what I wanted. This year he gave me a vacuum cleaner because he knew it's what I wanted. I adore you Erik, and your sucky gift!

And because I'm not a total revolutionary or feminist I gladly allowed the boys to choose and prepare my Mothers' Day feast.


Trena Lee said...

LOVE IT! "It's really bubbly!" "Can we put this in?"
You've got amazingly cute kids, and you're a pretty awesome mom. Hope you're present has a long suck life!

Erik said...

Thrifty? mmmm....

I love you.