Thursday, June 30, 2011

Libby of Green Gables

After calling Libby "Adelheid" for a while we have finally retired the moniker, to her delight, and have decided she must be a kindred spirit with Anne of Green Gables. I've been torturing the boys by reading the Anne books for a couple of months now. They scowl and fuss, the 2 year-olds roam about like scavenging wolves on a seek and destroy mission and Libby sits primly in her pearls and smock dress with contented sighs and dreamy eyes while she imagines herself with puffed sleeves.
Our Libby-girl has been growing again and has decided to turn 4 even though I ordered her not to. But as Anne says, "You'd find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair...people who haven't red hair don't know what trouble is." I've also decided that I cannot handle 6 birthday parties a year and we will be substituting a special "birthday date" for the lucky child according to their particular interests in lieu of a party. When asked what she would like to do, Libby decided a fancy dinner at a restaurant was in order. And not only that but she wanted both of us to wear jewelry and a fancy dress and she wanted Daddy to wear a suit and "shave his pokies (beard)."
And that's what she got and he did pass her thorough inspection, although she told Erik he looked funny as soon as he shaved.

Someone else was a bit jealous...

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