Saturday, July 30, 2011

Epic Fail

Do you ever get this big plan to make an epic dinner of epic epicness and it is an epic failure? I've been having great success with summer stuff like this:
and then I tried to sneak back in the kitchen and make an "intermediate" level lemon cake by Paula Deen. I'm pretty sure she just put this recipe up to assert her cooking dominance over the common housewife by putting up a recipe that's impossible. I was trying to be this wonderful Betty Crocker wife for Erik's birthday and instead of a fluffy lemon cake he got salvaged-lemon-cake-turned-parfait disaster. Thanks Paula. I thought we were friends, joined with the bonds of butter obsession and now you gotta go and be like this with the impossible, self esteem ruining recipe. Thanks.


CD said...

Ummmm, I don't believe in self-esteem.

Missy said...

Then stick with box cake mix...