Friday, February 13, 2009

Moving Time!!!

At a pace of three boxes a day, we are almost packed! We didn't get to close today so Tuesday should be the big day. The kids are pretty excited...about the boxes. I make three boxes and then children appear in the boxes before I can put stuff in there. They were really upset that I refused to tape the boxes with them inside. I told them I don't want to be on the news.

We did the final walk through today and here are a few quick pictures. This one is as you walk in the front door. We guarantee this type of greeting so come visit!

On the other side of that wall is the kitchen (to the right) and the living room (to the left). Hallie, help! It's attack of the white!

We somehow ended up with a plastic stethoscope. If you gave it to us, I love you but I don't remember who you are. :-) The kids love it and have invented a new game. One of them will be attacked by a dog or T-rex or tiger and will break their leg. The injured child then runs (with a broken leg) to the "doctor's office," which is made by a pillow placed on an ottoman, and the doctor will come see the patient. The patient must play the part and Danny especially loves to shriek, "Help! It hurts! My leg is broken! Heeellllp!" Anyway, here is my professional patient after a recent monster attack.

As you can see by the nurse's uniform the monster was hiding behind the door as we returned from church Sunday morning. It was a gruesome affair, touch and go for a while, but he pulled through in the end.

We also began a cowboy phase lately and have had huge plans to go ride horses at Mr. Pete's for three weeks straight. The first weekend Pete had to go out of town, and the last two weekends it has snowed.

These are just cuteness and fun. As far as Danny's head is concerned, I don't know. Wasn't there. All I was told is that it involved the bunk bed.


EmilyAnn said...

I happen to know where said stethoscope came from. And I must say that the look of that doctor is quite questionable. Are you sure he knows what he's doing??

Stacey said...

please tell me you are painting that house! it's so white!

G-Unit said...

I'm ready to attack the white...I've got big plans!! It looks so cute I am so excited for you guys. Love the pictures. We'll have to talk cowboys...we've got a similar situation going on!

The Berthiaume's said...

Yay! Your new house looks like it will be fun when you guys get all settled in. That last picture of Libby is so so so adorable!

Mimi said...

I am so excited to come see you guys in 26 days!!!