In case you are wondering, here is the list: paint tables, cover screens, knit purses, music, singing, drawing, dancing, the modern languages, extensive reading and "something in her air..." How did calculus and cupcakes not make that list?
Anyway, the point is I attempting some of the feminine arts and trying to learn to sew. Project #1 was a reversible pinafore that sort of wraps around for Miss Libby Lu and here is the model.
That is the only pose she would strike unless I gave her candy, she's a bit of an unorthodox model. The dress is very far from perfect and here is most of the problem.
Since the straps are a "tad" uneven the back of the pinafore has a little habit of gaping open when she moves her arms and thus showing the world her rear. Don't you just want to pinch those chubby little arms though? So cute!
I will end with this: To the experts, please don't laugh to my face. I can only go up from here. You have no idea how high I can fly.
You may not knit or paint tables or have extensive knowledge of the modern languages but there is definitely something in your air sister and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! The dress looks quite nice as a still piece ;-)
somehow I feel considering the dress was made for dear libbers that "still piece" doesn't really describe the fate of that dress very well....
ALright, who commented and deleted their comment!?!? I must know! I didn't know you could do that and I must know what you said that warranted deletion! You can't leave me like this!
it was only me... i had a typo and it needed fixing.
Well that's disappointing.
Well that's disappointing.
Shall I delete a comment so you aren't disappointed? Way to go with jumping in to the sewing world. I love making stuff, though I have a long way to go. I just drool over some of the great fabrics that are out there. Maybe one day I will have a little girl to sew for. There is a definite lack of sewing options for boy clothes.
And--I think calculus and engineering count as modern languages. So, one more point for you.
I'm proud of you, way to go! It's amazing for a first time attempt.
I have faith in you missy!!!
Cute fabric by the way :)
You did a great job!
Shorts or bloomers (which most preschool girls need anyway) will fix the "gap" in the back nicely!
It is beautiful,and she's such a cutie pie!
Definitely praying on the classes and adoption!
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