Friday, August 20, 2010

Do You Fondue?

When you don't have family nearby, sometimes you have to invite yourself into other families (well, several other families if you're us). One of the families I have invited myself into is the Smith family and I love them and for some reason they still open the door when we show up, which is alot.

One of the hobbies we share with the Smiths is a deeply passionate and absolutely well into the dorky realm love of books. So when we decided to have a girls' day in Pasadena we headed to this neat Christian bookstore called The Archives. You should check it out!First meeting of Book AA...
And since we were in Pasadena and it happened to be birthday month for two of the Smith ladies we headed to The Melting Pot. If you haven't been start saving money and stop eating now so that you can afford it and fully enjoy it! My blueberry sage lemonade was so pretty I took a picture.
The Smith girls...notice our fondue pots empty and anxious in front of us!
First course: One pot 'o cheddar and one pot 'o swiss and artichoke with breads, veggies, chips and apples.
Second course: Salad. Who cares.
Third course: Meat! Now how to cook it?
Melissa here demonstrates the proper strategies for fonduing meat. First, dump in the veggies and forget about them. Then, skewer meat and let it simmer. Wait as long as you can stand it, remove meat, take a bite and realize you are too impatient (notice Becca in the picture), put it back in for another minute then scald your mouth and enjoy its lava hot goodness. Is that a run on sentence?
Fourth course: Chocolate. This is the Ying Yang (white and dark) pot. We also had the flaming turtle but I was too busy eating it to take a good picture.
While I was tempted to forget the skewer and just pull up with a spoon they put this plate in front of me with fruit, rice krispie treats, marshmallows rolled in various goodness, cheesecake and poundcake. I was too full to get up and attempt a decent angle on this picture but you get the point.

In closing, my birthday is in November and I don't own a fondue pot.


CD said...

I'm stuffed to the rafters just looking at it all!! It all looks just beautiful to me.

Stacey said...

my philosophy on the melting pot is that their food is really delicious, and worth going for the full course once or so but it's REALLY expensive to do that....

HOWEVER, it is only a bit expensive to go there and sit at the bar with a friend or two and order a pot of desert fondue. And that's the best part of the melting pot anyway.

G-Unit said...

Danny is banned from the Archives! It's his Disneyland!

Cathy said...

How fun...sigh...my birthday is in August too...:)

Unknown said...

We love it so much we go every year for our anniversary. It's fun, takes awile, and is really filling. And yes, we do own a fondue pot and have used it several times introducing people to the wonders of fondue.