Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July

We were graciously invited over to the Lund family home to celebrate the 4th with swimming and hot dogs, they are such great people. They didn't even kick us out when Danny chose to take off his clothes or when he repeatedly "watered" their trees. With plenty of young adults around to facilitate the fun, the boys had a blast in the pool! Dan decided jumping into the water was the most fun for his money. Kirsten and Andrew got quite the workout. Jake opted for floating on the raft in the midst of violent turmoil. He begged Jeremy to toss him around and push his raft throughout the pool and catch him when he decided to bail. Jeremy, you are such a good sport. And that's Jeremy's beautiful new wife of one month and two days, Noel, beneath the raft.
Libby has become much more difficult to photograph with her new found walking skills, all shots are action shots.And here we are being patriotic...
well, sort of.


Cathy said...

Glad you had a good 4th, Missy. Thinking of you as you're missing your man. Praying for him, as well as for you and your beautiful kids.

Stacey said...

on second thought... I can't let those kids get any bigger than they already are before I see them again! Oh my goodness!