Sunday, October 19, 2008

Some Acts of Kindness Should be Outlawed

My winter wardrobe is in a pitiful state right now and I thought "I'll go to TJ Max and find great deals and it will be great and wonderful!" Ah, blind optimism, refreshing isn't it? Well, we arrived too early so we walked next door to Trader Joe's. Let me preface by saying I've never been one of those Trader Joe people. I don't buy organic, I don't eat kashi and I'm not buying special grocery bags to take to the store with me to save the environment. But we needed to waste some time and Daniel was repeatedly reminding me that our home gummy worm supply was at critical state and I thought maybe Trader Joe's had some organic, sugar free, no fat, high fiber gummy worms that would help him stop reminding me every 0.25 seconds. They didn't, but we did find cookies!

We walked to the counter the check out and lady immediately started handing my children balloons. It was a kind gesture to be sure but definitely ill advised. How many balloons did we make it home with? We walked out onto the sidewalk and before Danny could remind me that we didn't get gummy worms, Jake's balloon floated up to the ceiling of the walkway. He was upset to say the least and wanted to call the fire department to come rescue the balloon. One down.

We walked over to TJ Max and found nothing so we loaded up and headed to Walmart...to get gummy worms. About halfway through the shopping list Danny's balloon somehow untied itself from the shopping cart and was up in the warehouse ceiling. Two down. Again Jake suggested I reconsider the fire department idea.

Finally we pulled into the driveway with much weeping and gnashing of teeth and as I pulled Libby out of her carseat I heard Jake begin to shriek. Three down. I silently rejoiced to be done with the whole matter but the children mourned as we watched it float away. Jake thought maybe we should call someone because an airplane might hit the balloon and crash. Ah, deep cleansing breath. Chalk this up to reason #101 that we are not Trader Joe's people. Granola and goat cheese just aren't worth the cost.


Unknown said...

Love how they think about calling the fire department and planes. I'll have to look forward to that one day :)

Stacey said...

So I should bring baloons with me?

Also, how mad would you be if I told you I'm going to have homework with me?

Erik said...

Very mad. Mad-eye Moody mad. As mad as Mad-eye Moody when he found out Dumbledore was gay. Cause they bunked together at summer camp. Abraca-awkward.

CD said...

Did I ever tell you that you're quite funny? Well, you are and I think you should join our sarcastic mom tour. It's the perfect blend of sarcasm and Jesus. Your name could be right under mine.

Anonymous said...

This brings back some great memories of losing balloons. Even balloons inside the house weren't safe because the balloons would float up and pop on the cottage-cheese ceiling.