Sunday, November 2, 2008

Monkeys and Divas

Halloween was so fun! From about 6 am on the boys asked every 5 minutes to wear their monkey suits. I think they thought that once they donned the monkeys suits, candy would magically start falling from the sky. Costume = immediate candy.Here is Miss Diva herself who couldn't be troubled to walk all the way next door. The boys were willing to run to the moon if it meant candy, Libby has higher standards and demands it be brought to her hastily and unwrapped. She did seriously like the bucket, I think it was a purse in her mind.The forced march next door...I'm wearing my new sweater, thank you Dad!So we visited the neighbors, ran over to see Grandma Mary and then went to the church festival, complete with a giant slide. Apparently next to bananas and candy, monkeys really like slides!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I still love those monkey costumes... soooooooo cute!

and libby is a beautiful princess!