Thursday, January 8, 2009

And We're Off!

Jacob is running around our house shouting for joy "This day! I'm going to China this day! I'm ready to go to China!" There is no quelling his excitement yet he has no accurate idea of what he's in for.

Danny and Libby will soon be prayed over and put to bed. The B Family will be living with them in our house. They have been so gracious to volunteer for duty. Erik asked me to pray about going on a trip with him and I was indeed skeptical that we would ever be able to find someone to watch even some of the children. I prayed because I said I would but with a bit of a hard heart. God heard the prayer anyway and Mrs. B approached me at church to say God had laid on her heart that I needed to go on a trip with Erik. I was thus humbled!

Now we will be leaving in less than an hour to head to the airport and off to China! Please pray for the B family as well as Danny and Libby. Please pray for the children in China that we will have the privilege of visiting and teaching. Please pray for our friends who have already arrived (they called a few hours ago and were doing well). They are traveling with a 4 month old and a 4 year old. We love you!

1 comment:

Stacey said...


also, when I read this I thought of you....(because the cake said "good luck in china... not because of the fireman or any *ahem* other elements on the cake) I wouldn't have ordered this cake wreck for you!
