Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Tree Grows in Lancaster

If you don't get my title then...you should read more (Erik). Our backyard is a barren wasteland most of the year and in the spring it is a swamp. If you have ever been invited over, it was either night or all the curtains on the back of the house were mysteriously closed.

It makes me think of those nature shows where David Attenborough spends 45 minutes showing you the slow demise of some pathetic alligator as his little pond steadily dries up and just when you are praising the Lord that you are not that alligator dying in the baking, fetid mud of Africa, it rains. His mudhole becomes a flourishing lake overnight and you start all over again and then the credits roll. That's my backyard with a rabbit and a currently MIA desert tortoise without the voice over, dramatic music or water fowl. This must change.

My boys purchased 5 trees over the weekend and one actually made it in the ground! Daniel is an enthusiastic worker.
And Jacob...not so much. But you have to admire Daniel's cheerful heart in spite of his methodology for hole digging.


EmilyAnn said...

That tree'll be dead by the time you get that hole dug. Your men are too short.

Missy said...

And you are rude. But I love you, because you're my sister and I have to. :-)

CD said...

Fetid?? Sometimes I think I'm not smart enough to read your blog. Could you help a girl out? Really cute though.

Missy said...

having an offensive odor; stinking.

Anonymous said...

haha! Danny is awesome!

Mimi said...

I love my Dan-Dan!