Friday, November 23, 2007

Turkey and Impetigo

Happy Black Friday to all of you across the U.S. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday and found great deals today. We weren't brave enough to venture out into the crowds, except to Walmart for an ice cream emergency.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with the Hunt family (Grandpa Sue and Uncle Brad according to Jacob). We were a little late as I had a very flat tire on the van and Erik and the boys bought a new tire and fixed me up. Don't they look like great helpers?

Jacob has decided that he is big and independent recently. His new favorite phrase is "My do it!" Today I called him a monkey and he quickly told me he was not a monkey, he's a BIG boy. At dinner tonight I told him he had to eat his meat before he could have more bread and I was promptly told "I'm sorry, I can't do that." Now where did he pick that up? He's seen the movie trailer for Ratatouille many, many times and one of the lines is (father rat to son rat) "Eat your garbage!" Of course he had to repeat that one to me after I served lunch the other day. Life is getting interesting... We were taking an afternoon walk last week and Jake noticed that a large willow tree had been trimmed. "The tree got a haircut!" he said. And then you could see the wheels turning...hmmm...when I get a haircut I get a sucker. "The tree got a sucker! The tree got a sucker!" Our neighbors think we are crazy. Several have come up to introduce themselves and ask us why we dug up the beautiful palm tree from the front yard.

So I'm sure you are thinking, turkey, and...impetigo? Yes, impetigo. My children have to get weird diseases, remember hand, foot and mouth? and now Danny has impetigo. They gave us these horse pills to break open and sprinkle in his food and that is impossible, it tastes horrible! I put it in his yogurt and tried it after he refused it and I know why now. I gagged, literally gagged. We tried to come up with a strategy and aren't doing so well so help us out here! Fill the comment boxes and share your wisdom here, by the way, the pharmacist said he wasn't making a suspension because it tastes so bad, instead he recommended we break open the capsule and sprinkle the foul stuff on his food. Genius! I have to go now, Danny has been digging in the desk as I sit here typing and found a glue stick. We've been putting so much medicine on his mouth lately he thinks it is a really big ChapStick tube...


Stacey said...

"The tree got a sucker!"

I think you guys are over using the sucker bribe.

I'm so sad that we're missing Jacob, Danny and Libby grow up so fast. I want to come visit you SOOOOOO MUCH! But only to steal your children. I can hold libby on my lap during the flight, but do you think they'll let me put the boys in pet carriers under the plane? I'll bring plenty of suckers!

Missy said...

They'll do anything for suckers! We are doing better, there are no longer suckers for usng the potty, that was ugly when those were eliminated. But doctor's offices and haircuts still warrant suckers. We'll give you a sucker if you come out...

Stacey said...


Unknown said...

I love the things kids say. I wish I could help with the food thing, but not having kids myself I'm not sure. Maybe mix it in something really sweet like ice cream?

Missy said...

Alright, we tried ice cream and he spit it all over me. Now we are force feeding it in a syringe.