Saturday, December 1, 2007

All I Want for Christmas is a New Front Tooth

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! We ate too much at the Hunt's and had a great time. After eating too much turkey, all a girl wants to do is take a good, long nap with her daddy. Or maybe she was seeking protection from Danny, who dumped sweet potatoes over her head...

Jake has been quite cranky lately and not eating well, shocking I know, but it was evident that his teeth were bothering him. He has fallen and put his front tooth through his lip many times and I noticed at one point during our trek westward that one of his teeth was turning dark. I waited until we got here (and had dental insurance) and took him to see the dentist this week. He had to have a root canal and a cap put on the dead tooth and he has been feeling and acting and eating much better ever since.

It was an ugly process though. They don't like to use sedation if they don't have to so they strap the kids into a "papoose" that holds them still and then use a thing that resembled a torture device to hold his mouth open. Erik took him to that part and I am grateful, I probably would have cried more than Jake. The cap is painted white on the front so it doesn't look natural at all but at least it isn't silver. Erik wanted the bling though. Too bad.

We decorated our tree yesterday and Jake is a little confused about stockings...

The boys were very helpful and only broke four ornaments and one snow globe!

Libby has discovered that she has a bottom lip and has been sucking on it. It makes her look a little like a turtle, a cute one though.

It will be nice to spend Christmas in our house with no traveling and really start our own family traditions. I really miss the huge family Christmases from my childhood but am ready to establish our own way of things. Let me know any neat traditions your family does!


Stacey said...

Ok, I love the turtle face! And what happens when one of your baby teeth dies? Will the adult one grow in?

Katie said...

lol! I love Jake's 'stockings'! That is hilarious! Cute pics of everyone! I miss you all! But guess what! I just found out the megabus goes from Vegas to LA, so if I can find a cheap flight to Vegas sometime later this winter/spring (which they typically offer lots of cheap getaways through the cold months here...), then I can fly to vegas, get on the megabus (which tickets are anywhere from $1-$30 or so) and head out to LA. So, who knows. I may even find a fairly cheap flight to LA sometime. Just have to see I guess. But I'm keeping an eye on airfare prices! Ok. Well I'm gonna go make some breakfast, then we need to get to church. Talk to you soon!

Unknown said...

Very cute pictures! I think my favorite tradition was that we'd do "people presents" on Christmas Eve where I'd give my presents to my family and vice versa. Then all the presents on Christmas would be from Santa. It held the kids over until the morning and made the whole Santa thing special.

Missy said...

To answer Stacey's question, when a baby tooth dies they can do a root canal and cap it, which is what we did, or pull it. Then you wait until the permanent tooth grows in. The problem with pulling it is that it can severely mess up the kid's speech development to go three or four years without a tooth in the front. But the cap sure is ugly (he's a boy and I'm his mom so I can say that but everyone else better say he's cute).