Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Libby started vegetables last week and apparently peas are delicious! Danny sat close by tonight to watch us feed Libby so I jokingly offered him a bite. Surprisingly, he accepted, ate it, and asked for more. Poor Libby, even her strained peas get taken away by her brothers. I thought this was a cute picture with the green peas all over her face and the "leprechaun" bib Stacey bought for Libby while in Ireland.

Tonight as I was putting the kids to bed, Jake told me he was going to jump off the bed and touch the ceiling fan. He also said I should watch out because if it falls it will "break yourself and have fire." Hmmm... He is really entering boyhood with the little plots he devises. Danny is developing a deep love for prayer and asks us to pray often. He will interupt at any point and yell "Pray!" and fold his hands expectantly. We think he only likes to do it because it is the one thing he can tell us to do and we will immediately do it. The power to control! He yells "Amen!" at the end like a Southern Baptist though, I bet his Nana loves it.


Stacey said...

she looks way too excited about those peas.

Katie said...

that is way too cute about danny wanting to pray all the time and saying amen! i love it!