Thursday, December 13, 2007

A White Christmas

Well, we had to drive for an hour to find it, but we do have snow in Southern California. Erik told Jake before we even left the house that we were going to play in snow. That's pretty much setting yourself up to have to drive to Colorado if all else fails. because if you tell Jake something there is no rest until it comes to fruition.

We ended up just north of Gormon, CA in the Hungry Valley ATV reserve. It is high enough in altitude that the snow hung around for a little while. The guys walked through some trails and saw guys on dirt bikes, which was very exciting for little boys. Dan was really confused about how cold snow is so he kept calling it hot. Jake just wanted to pee in the snow, and Erik was more than happy to let him.
I took Danny back to the doctor, after the second diagnosis, which was impetigo, he took antibiotics. It seemed to work for a while and then soon his rash worsened. We went back for a third diagnosis this week, excema, and now have more medicine. This seems to be working. Erik and I have decided that it probably was excema all along but it got infected so that was why the antibiotics seemed to help at first.

Jake is looking over my shoulder as I type. He pointed at the picture and said "There's Jacob looking for motorcycles." He does love to speak in third person... Merry Christmas!


Stacey said...

I hope danny feels better soon!

I didn't get to enjoy our first snow here, I hope we get another good one because I want to get out with my camera, snow pictures are so fun!

Jodi said...

I love the little stories you write, Missy. :)

I didn't see Libby in that picture. Was she staying warm in the car?

I really liked how Erik made the announcement in church with his demonstration. I didn't like, however, that I was the only one standing with a baby. Jessica, the Hefelbowers and even my own family were giggling at me. Tell Erik, "Baggage says, 'Thanks.'" :P