Sunday, January 27, 2008


We have done alot of celebrating lately! First we had our seventh anniversary, which we celebrated in the snowy woods of Southern California. Yes, we have woods and snow. Here is a picture of our cabin... Then we celebrated Emily's 25th birthday with a My Little Pony pinata and a Bert and Ernie cake.

Here is Libby dressed up for church. I'm still celebrating that we have a girl...

And then one of our students went off to join the Navy and Popeye seemed most appropriate...

So I've been baking alot but it's fun! I have several great boy stories but no time to post them now. Emily and I are going to see Ken Ham speak about a literal 6 day creation and it's pouring rain! He has been in the news quite a bit over the last few years as his organization, Answers in Genesis, built the Creation Museum just south of Cincinnati.


Erik said...

My wife - journalist, confectionaire, mother of three - who can compare!

Stacey said...

^erik uses the internet for things other than work???

My world is in flames.