Sunday, January 6, 2008

Seven Years Go By Quickly

Yes, it is our seven year anniversary, awww. A few years ago we devised a plan in which every year we switch who plans the anniversary date. Last year I was in charge and it was a major flop due to an extreme lack of babysitters. We managed to find someone to watch the kids long enough for a QUICK dinner out and that was it. I had good plans though. So Erik was kind and let me off the hook even though I offered to try again and he told me at midnight last night that the Hunts were watching the boys for two nights and we are escaping with Libby to a cabin in the mountains. Just like our honeymoon...I get brownie points for noticing that right?

On Saturday we felt like a trip to the beach and traveled to Redondo Beach to the SEA Lab. It's a neat facility run by the LA Coastal Conservation Corps that educates the public about native wildlife in a hands-on way. They had a neat "pond" with halibut, sea bass and sharks with a big sign warning against putting your fingers in the water. They mean it! One little boy, not mine, was leaning close and a shark went for him. His mother kept a closer eye on him from that time forward. The sharks are about 3 or 4 feet long, pretty neat! For $2 you get a tray of assorted frozen fish and squid parts to feed the sharks, here is Erik helping Jake throw squid at the sharks. Emily looks concerned...
Here is a picture of Emily pitching in and playing pack mule. We looked at the sharks and then walked to the beach for a while before the tour started.
Danny and Jake chased the sea gulls. They were a little timid about the waves at first, it's hard not to feel small next to the Pacific Ocean no matter who you are.

After a full morning Erik wanted to drive up the Pacific Coastal Highway (PCH) and the kids crashed. It was a great day!


Stacey said...

happy anniversary!

If Blake ever comes out to visit you you'll have to take her to that place, seeing as she loves sharks oh so much...

Allison said...

Wow, how nice! That's great to be able to get away and celebrate. The past two years our anniversary has coincided with Jesse leaving for some sort of training. So, I am reminded of my commitment to one man by his commitment to one country. :) Maybe this year...

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Seven years is amazing, I still remember the lame dance we did at your wedding like it was yesterday. Funny how time flies.

shelli said...

Who says that dance was lame??

My little buttercup, has the sweetest smile....

Dear little buttercup, won't you stay awhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile.


Good times. :-)