Friday, March 20, 2009


My mom has been here this week and she is a HUGE help to anyone trying to settle into a house. I'll send you her business card for a $50 finding fee. Since I failed to call her on her birthday I made it up by acheiving the near impossible feat of getting a good picture of all three kids with their Mimi.

Yes, we are fully in the "cowboy madness" stage at this point and it is a ton of fun! There are bad guys around every corner of our house so watch it! Here are some more random pictures of our cute kids...

Since it is officially spring, here are some fun cupcakes we made recently for a dear friend's baby shower.

Happy Springtime!


EmilyAnn said...

I am im-pressed with your cupcakes! Have you determined the LDL content?

Anonymous said...

Given the panda's and the sunflowers, I think I know what book you are reading! Great job and I love the kiddos pics. They would fit nicely in Titus's nursery. Giddy-up!