Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Middle Child Saga - Jipped Again

Daylight Savings on your birthday = one hour less birthday. Being a middle child just stinks huh? We are trying to redeem his day by having a fun birthday at home today and then a party next week. Two birthdays are totally better than one!

We started Danny's big third birthday with pancakes (and sprinkles, thanks Hallie). A friend gave Dan a Beanie Baby panda a few months ago and it begun a panda obsession thus we are having a Panda party. We made panda pancakes and panda cupcakes will be the center of attention next weekend.
You know how kids hear things some times and when they repeat exactly what they think they heard, it isn't quite right and there is nothing you can do to convince them they aren't saying it correctly? Although Dan hasn't seen Kung Fu Panda, he has heard of it and drawn the connection between that and his panda. He has renamed his panda "Kung Poo Panda." No amount of arguing, pleading, begging or bribing will convince the child his pronunciation might be a little off. I guess we'll just have to wait until he is 16 and has friends over to re-open the issue. :-)

But Danny is such a sweet and funny boy, we love him alot! His life's ambition is to work at church like Daddy, I think it's because of all the cookies located behind the front desk He also tells me he wants to be a daddy and to be called "sir." When asked who he would marry he said "I don't know, I'll get a wife and then ask her what her name is." When pressed further he said Emmy is the girl for him. I guess they have known each other for a rather long time...

I can't imagine what our home would be like without Danny, our little ham. He's always the center of attention with his concerts, storytelling and epic battles against vicious monsters. He shouts "Please can I help?!" as soon as we begin a household chore and dearly loves to do "man work," which requires him to wear his "man pants" for "man jobs."

I love that after watching Bambi, he put an end to calling us Mommy and Daddy and thus we became Father and Mother. I love Danny's appreciation of music. He saw a man at church play a bass once and immediately grabbed his guitar once we were home and turned it upright to play his "bass." I love Danny's excitement to pray, he thanks God for everything from the mustard on his sandwich to the lightbulb in the lamp. We love you Danny! Happy birthday Dan Dan!



Missy said...

Please pardon the html errors. I officially despise html.

CD said...

He used to have red hair??? Who knew? Really cute boy!! Happy Birthday little boy.

Unknown said...

He's too cute! It's nice to see how he's grown and changed.

Anonymous said...

Happy bday Danny! We love you and Kristen says hi to all! Love the Rainers

Katie said...

love the pancakes! super cute! did you make a panda cake???

Monica said...

Hi Missy,
Cool, and strange...
Our second born, Moriah shares Dan's Birthday! :0)
Anyway, I thought I'd share.

Hope he had a happy day!
~ Monica