Saturday, May 2, 2009

Parenting - Great for the Self Esteem

The following is a conversation between Jake and I that took place while I was driving yesterday.

Jake: Mom, you are getting fat for the summer.
Mom: What?!?
Jake: You are getting fat for the summer.
Mom: Oh, have you been watching Planet Earth?
Jake: Yes, and animals get fat in the summer.
Mom: They have to because there is nothing to eat in the winter, but we can go to
Walmart in the winter and therefore don't need to fatten up.
Jake: Why can't the animals go to Walmart?
Mom: Uhhh...because they don't have any money and can't use a shopping cart.
Jake: But monkeys have hands.
Mom: Yeah...
Jake: And they could push the shopping cart.
Mom: Next time I see a monkey at Walmart I'll buy his food.


The Heflebower's said...

That's Great!! We've had some rather interesting conversations with our kids too :)

CD said...

Kids say the darndest things.

G-Unit said...

Sorry your kids are going to be so stinkin smart!!

EmilyAnn said...

I once saw a raccoon walk into the hospital where I was working. I do believe we refused him of all medical care, probably due to his inability to pay... And he didn't have hands, and probably would have had a difficult time explaining his chief complaint...

Stacey said...

one of the reasons I want to work with kids is because I love having conversations with them. I was interviewing some kids about how wind worked the other day for my science class and when I asked how the wind was able to make the leaves in a tree work they responded with "I don't know. Maybe God?" He then asked me if he could take a shower. "What?" I replied, "Why do you want to take a shower?" "Because that's where I get my best ideas!"

Stacey said...

by "in a tree work" i meant "in a tree move"

that's what happens when you rephrase a sentance to many times...