Thursday, June 18, 2009


So beloved Target always has these great little $1 finds at the front of the store. Recently we found these little flower kits and decided it would make a nice little science experiment. Here we are planting our seeds.

So I wasn't really sure if they would grow, I thought we would be lucky if maybe one sprouted. But I didn't quite consider what happens if two sprout and then one kid is left with an empty pot, as is the case.

And not just one little sprout each but several nice, tall plants are coming up. So poor Jake looks at his pot every day and asks with big puppy dog eyes, "Mom, when will my plant grow?" So now what? Do I just let him learn that life isn't fair or should I secretly perform a delicate operation which results in magical plants sprouting in Jake's pot in the middle of the night? Hmmm...

I'm glad we're talking about this now before a goldfish or something dies and we're trying to break into PetSmart at 2 am for a replacement fish.


Mimi said...

Poor Jacob!

EmilyAnn said...

Give the people what they want!

al said...

If it's a science experiment, you have to repeat it to see if the results were an outlier or reproducible. Looks like Jake will just have to get another pot at Target AND form a hypothesis for why his little seeds didn't sprout (can you dig them up to see if they actually made it into the dirt?).

I guess this means I'm for a combo solution--let him face reality, but also let him enjoy another attempt!

CD said...

My philosophy is give them whatever they want. I think it's pretty Biblical.

G-Unit said...

I think: Suck it Up! But I mostly throw the game and let the boys win...so who am I to talk.

shelli said...

So what did you decide to do??? You can't leave a cliffhanger like this!