Saturday, March 8, 2008

Danny is Two Old!

Danny turned 2 today and we had a big party! This morning I asked him to say "I am 2 years old." He said "I am two old." Depends on your point of view I guess. Once the party started, all that was to be heard were sounds of little boys giggling, running, wrestling, fighting, crying and playing trucks. Aren't birthday parties great? Here is the enormous cake fully decorated.I'm pretty sure blowing out the candle was the best part of the entire day for Danny.But eating cake with all of your best buddies isn't so bad either...


Stacey said...

Happy Birthday Danny!

Allison said...

Wow, I'd missed a lot of posts. I love your kiddo stories. It sets my sights on what I have to look forward to--both the smile inducing and the hair-pulling. The cake looks great, and I'm sure the coeds didn't mind the leftovers. Wow. Two years old! What a fun time. Great job, mama!care1bear

Unknown said...

The cake looks great. Good job Missy!

Stacey said...

your blog looks different. My world is in flames.

I don't know how to feel about this. Probably because it's 2:30 AM and I am still writing a paper...
