Friday, March 14, 2008

The Doldrums

I have to admit I'm coming out of a brief period of discouragement with motherhood and being a stay-at-home mom. We've had three straight weeks of at least one person in house having a stomach virus. And this is no 24-hour virus, no sir! This is a full 6 days of grossness. So after a few weeks of cabin fever, isolation, and washing load upon load of laundry, I'm a little tired. It culminated in Jacob throwing up in line at Walmart. Sunday night we had planned to join several other couples to see the Los Angeles Philharmonic perform Bach's Mass in B Minor. The babysitter called 30 minutes into the trip to inform me that Jake had begun throwing up. Ten of us were halfway to LA in one vehicle and there was no going back. She called later to ask where the carpet cleaner was, he had throw up again. She called again to ask what to do with my "dry clean only" comforter because another boy had accidentally been put to bed without a PullUp and he wet our bed. Disney Concert Hall is amazing and the music was beautiful but it wasn't exactly a restful evening. We are all starting to be a little touchy with each other, pray for us as we re-enter normal society.

We finally broke down and mowed last night, we were quickly becoming those renters that move in on a block of homeowners and let the yard go. After the palm tree incident, I was feeling the pressure to keep the yard looking nice. The boys were most helpful!

Miss Libby did what respectable young ladies do and sat by looking pretty.

She has also discovered the joys of swinging. The boys are not as thrilled at this as she is, the local usually have two little kid swings and two big kid swings. Jake can use the big kid swing but he tends to jump out at the top of the arc and I have no desire to repeat the broken leg. Jake and Dan have also had to learn to keep their toys a little higher off the ground as she has learned to pull up and see what excitement awaits above the floor.

Danny seems to have decided to live up to society's standards for 2 year-olds. Almost overnight he went from a relatively compliant, shy child with a small tendency to whine to a child who excels at whining and belligerence. Please pray for the sanity of our household through this change! It is exciting to see him identify with Erik more and want to be Daddy's helper instead of Mommy's helper, that is always a bittersweet adjustment for moms though.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

oh my! I hope you all start to feel better soon!

the picture of Jake and Dad is too cute!